Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If It's The Last Thing I Do...

I am finishing reading through my m/s entered in the SYTYCW. I'm on page 72/195, so I really need to finish so I can edit my synopsis. I have what I think is a pretty solid ds 1400word synopsis. (Solid? what do I know, this is the only one I've written!) But, Jennifer Hayward, last year's SYTYCW winner said she needed one for the competition last year closer to 750words. Yikes! You know, I slaved for two weeks on explaining the essential plot and romance elements of my 58,500k story in 1400 words. Now I need to cut that in half. So, that is my plan for tomorrow.

#1 Finish reading/editing Bringing Delaney Home
#2 Tighten synopsis- shorten by 1/2. (Did I just roll my eyes?)

Then, when both of those are done...read a few more SYTYCW entries. I think I have a glimpse of the fun part of being an editor. I love to read an entry that has no comments, fall in love with it, tweet about it, and get other people to go read it. Fun for me and great for the author and the readers.

I realized I never reported back on the BBQ smoking. If you are vegetarian or vegan, now is the time to turn your head or stop reading.... okay? The BBQ ...Was fricken awesome! We had done the pork shoulder before, but never beef brisket. Oh. My. Gosh. It was amazing. I ended up using the first rub I found on the Internet, and I wouldn't use the same one again, or at least cut the salt waaaaayy down. But, words do not describe how good smoked meat over a low heat for 10+ hours is. I am honestly going to research smoking a turkey after I am finished with my SYTYCW entry.

By the way, I am writing this post (essentially tomorrow's post) so I don't use writing a post as an excuse to not get my to-do list done. See how serious I am about finished my list tomorrow? Okay, that's it for me tonight since I've got things to do tomorrow!

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