"The method of the enterprising is to plan with audacity and execute with vigor." Christian N. Bovee
On Life: Only five more days left in 2013 and I'm trying to get everything ready for the New Year. I like to start the new year with a clean slate, meaning Christmas decorations are down and put away, the house is clean, fridge and pantry stocked with healthy food again and a bright, shiny list of concrete goals for the year is ready to go. #1 son is will leave tomorrow to return to his AF base, so I'll probably take the tree down Sunday (while watching football) or Monday at the latest.
On Writing: I've narrowed my actual writing goals down to 4 projects for 2014.
1. The next Cates brother's story. I've written books about 2 of them. I have 3 more brothers to go.
2. A romance totally unconnected to my Cates brothers' series.
3. A Christmas romance.
4. Deep edit on another m/s that has been waiting. It's got good bones, just needs a new opening.
Non-Writing Goals:
1. Exercise regularly. Look up kettle bell exercises to add to workouts.
2. Drink more water.
3. Find a new volunteer opportunity closer to where we live.
4. Find a new church closer to our new house.
These goals are totally dependent on me. If I fail, I own it. I have other writing goals towards becoming a published author that I will continue to work on during 2014. Some of these I can't control since they depend on the opinions/needs of others, timing and maybe even a little luck. But I can control how I react, by staying professional, positive and persevering. So that's my roadmap to lead me into 2014. I hope you have a life goal or event to look forward to in 2014!
âIf you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.â âYogi Berra