Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Time To Get Moving

On Writing: Okay, I feel like I've been moving in slow motion like swimming in mud. No more. Part of this is due to the time it takes to get a manuscript ready to submit to a contest. Since I'm new at this, the process takes me longer than I like. But after tomorrow, I am done and moving on.

The other reason for this turtle-y feeling I have is that I subbed a full manuscript to an editor and waiting for a response takes time. I totally get that. This is not a complaint at all. But, here's where I made my mistake...the next book I wrote belongs to the same series and the next one I was planning to write was also in the series...(5 brothers.) Well, in theory, I can't do anything with anything I write about that family of brothers until I hear from the editor on the first book. So, instead of starting the next brother's story as I was planning, today I decided I will swim out of that gene pool and start a shiny brand new totally unconnected story.  Because I need to keep moving forward.



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