Friday, August 16, 2013

#Life and Editing

On life: #1 son passed his *important* test yesterday, so he gets to continue training as an Air Traffic Controller and move on to the next block of training. To celebrate, his crew took him out for wings. He got to be the DD. #newguy.

#2 son just drove off for his first day of classes. He was away at college last year, but let a few things spiral out of control. So, we've brought him closer to the nest this semester to help him refocus. Hopefully, he'll be back to his college in the spring refocused and ready to attack his education. #mistakesarelifelessonstoo

#1 daughter finally has a day off today before her classes start next week. Yesterday she had an interview for volunteering at the hospital. She's finishing up her summer internship at a low-cost health clinic and works part time as a lifeguard. She's majoring in human biology/minor in Spanish hoping to get into a PA school. The volunteer hours hopefully help toward that, although she was told to look into getting her EMT instead. #busygirl

#2 daughter was packing up last night; we move her in to her college tomorrow. I am afraid to see the amount of stuff she has since she keeps asking for more boxes. Yikes. Her sister is helping her paint a few canvasses for her dorm room. Hopefully they will be dry by tomorrow morning. She worked a lot as a lifeguard/manager this summer. She is anxious to leave and be back with her friends, I think. #readytofly

On writing: I didn't actually write-write today. I am sending the 1st 25 pages off of current WIP to a contest so I had some editing to do. The way I write I always have to edit for two major items. #1POV. I am fast and loose with POV. I don't consider it "head-hopping" per say, as in I think it is very clear whose POV it is, but it is not the standard 1 POV/scene. So, I always have to go back and fix it. (My poor CP!) Maybe one day when I'm an "established" pubbed writer I can get away with it. But not now. #2 narrative details, scene setting and action tagging. I usually see/write my scene as conversations between characters. I do not love lots of narrative details, so I must go back and layer in details to set the scene and add in better action tags. I am not the author you want to read if you like the books that describe every one's outfits or the rolling hills they are travelling through. So, anyway, the 237 words from today are probably all scene setting and rewriting of POV. #recoveringPOVslut

AWG: DWC: 237 TWC: 28,816

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